umm yes moltke does consider vampire fiction to be as valid a research material as nonfiction LMFAOOO. what if the author was secretly a vampire and used all their knowledge to inform the book?? what if real vampires are influenced by vampire media or vice-versa? there are just too many variables so moltke consumes all vampire knowledge just in case. i mean he does use libraries and web archives and stuff initially though, so you’re not gonna find any trash in his personal collection


now for the journal:

hey gang

these drawings are literally over 3 years old and this chapter has been going on since 2018 at this point but that doesnt mean i’m not gonna still finish it.  there are about 10 pages left so i’ll just knock them out as i’m able to

i’m not about to have a 3 year hiatus again but not at all surprised it happened once. like i’ve already got my own problems, and then *gestures vaguely* what in the god damn